IEEE Transactions on Magnetics

TMR and Squeeze at Gigabit Areal Densities

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The track misregistration (TMR) required to achieve gibabit areal densities is calculated for a set of components based on the average bit error rate for a file. The average error rate is a statistical average, based on the TMR of the file, of the on-track and off-track error rate. The on-track and off-track error rates are dependent upon squeeze from adjacent tracks. In this analysis the average error rate is calculated using measured error rate profiles of the center track. For a file average soft error rate of 1 × 10-6, the results show, for a particular head/disk combination designed for gigabit recording and operating at a linear density of 158 kbpi, that a track pitch of 4.0 pm (3.35 ktpi) can be achieved with a TMR of 0.635 pm. Obtaining this TMR value in a file is one of the challenges to recording of 1 Gb/ in2 in magnetic storage products. © 1992 IEEE



IEEE Transactions on Magnetics

