
Resonant photoemission shake-up and Auger processes at the 3p photothreshold in Ga and GaP


Resonant photoemission 3d8 shake-up satellites in Ga metal and GaP, which are closely related to M2,3M4,5M4,5 Auger transitions, have been observed at the 3p photothreshold of Ga. By analyzing the line positions, multiplet structure, and resonant behavior near threshold, we have determined the excitonic binding energies and correlation energies for various one-hole and two-hole excited states. While these two-hole excitations in Ga metal and GaP are similar because of their quasiatomic nature, important differences are observed which are due to different final-state screening mechanisms for a metal and an insulator. The present results are compared with those for Cu and Ni. © 1980 The American Physical Society.
