Int. J. Semantic Computing

Optimal sequential grouping for robust video scene detection using multiple modalities

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Video scene detection is the task of dividing a video into semantic sections. To perform this fundamental task, we propose a novel and effective method for temporal grouping of scenes using an arbitrary set of features computed from the video. We formulate the task of video scene detection as a generic optimization problem to optimally group shots into scenes, and propose an efficient procedure for solving the optimization problem based on a novel dynamic programming scheme. This unique formulation directly results in a temporally consistent segmentation, and has the advantage of being parameter-free, making it applicable across various domains. We provide detailed experimental results, showing that our algorithm outperforms current state-of-The-Art methods. To assess the comprehensiveness of this method even further, we present experimental results testing different types of modalities and their applicability in this formulation.


22 Jun 2017


Int. J. Semantic Computing

