
Galvanomagnetic effects in polymeric sulfur nitride (SN)x crystals


Magnetoresistance of (SN)x crystals has been measured for conductivity both parallel and perpendicular to the crystalline b-axis. A measure of the intrinsic conductivity anisotropy is obtained from the dependence of Δρ{variant}⊥/ρ{variant}⊥ on the orientation of the crystal in the magnetic field. The galvanomagnetic tensor has been calculated from the theoretical Fermi surface anisotropy and compared with experimental results. The calculated magnetoresistance anisotropy is in reasonable agreement with the experimentally determined value. At 4.2 K the electron and hole mobilities parallel to the (SNx chains are ≈400 and ≈600 cm2/V-sec respectively with a scattering time of ≈ 10-13 sec. © 1977.
