
Experimental study of the vibrations of acetylene chemisorbed on Ni(111)


High resolution electron energy-loss measurements of normal and deuterated acetylene chemisorbed on Ni(111) have been obtained. Observed vibrational modes are identified using the frequency shifts for the deuterated species and comparisons to the free molecule and a di-cobalt compound of acetylene. These vibrational frequencies indicate that chemisorbed acetylene is strongly rehybridized having a state of hybridization between ~sp2.5 and sp3. Consideration of the types of modes observed, their assignments and the surface selection rule suggests a molecular orientation with the C-C bond axis slightly skewed relative to the surface and with the plane of the distorted molecule normal to the surface. A bonding geometry is proposed which has the carbon atoms residing above two adjacent 3 fold hollow sites of the Ni surface. This molecular geometry differs from that deduced previously by electron energy-loss spectroscopy for molecularly adsorbed acetylene on Pt(111). © 1979.
