
Experimental energy-band dispersions, critical points, and spin-orbit splittings for GaSb using angle-resolved photoemission


We have determined energy-band dispersions E(k) and critical points for GaSb using angle-resolved-photoemission techniques. With a normal emission configuration and photon energies between 24 and 95 eV, the valence-band dispersions E(k) have been obtained along the -K-X direction, with the spin-orbit splitting 0(8-7) clearly observed. With an off-normal emission configuration, we have also determined the valence-band critical-point energies at the L point, with the spin-orbit splitting 1(L4,5-L6) clearly observed. Experimental valence-band critical-point energies at , X, and L are compared with recent theoretical results. Using published transition energies determined from reflectance measurements, we have also obtained the low-lying conduction-band critical-point energies. These valence- and conduction-band critical-point energies are tabulated to facilitate comparisons with other experimental and theoretical results. © 1980 The American Physical Society.
