
Dynamical simulations of many-body quantum chaos on a quantum computer


Quantum circuits with local unitaries offer a rich framework for exploring the many-body quantum dynamics of discrete-time systems. In this context, a special class of dual unitary circuits recently gained attention. These circuits exhibit unitarity in both space and time, enabling analytical solutions for specific correlation functions in non-integrable systems. In this work, we demonstrate the capability to accurately simulate infinite-temperature autocorrelators at the dual unitary point of the kicked Ising model on a superconducting quantum processor with 91 qubits. By leveraging the analytic tractability, we show how these systems can serve as performance benchmarks for non-Clifford circuits and build trust in quantum simulations beyond exact verification. Our experiments are enabled by accurate noise characterization on a large-scale quantum processor, in conjunction with high repetition rates for data acquisition and a tensor-network error mitigation method (TEM) that operates entirely in post-processing. These results add to the growing body of work that extends the reach of near-term quantum processors beyond brute-force classical simulations, thus establishing error-mitigated digital quantum simulations as a trustworthy platform for the exploration of novel emergent quantum many-body phases.
