
Determination of hot-carrier distribution functions in uniaxially stressed p-type germanium


This paper gives a description of an experimental determination of distribution functions in k→ space of hot holes in uniaxially compressed germanium. The hot-carrier studies were made at 85°K at fields up to 1000 V/cm and uniaxial stresses up to 11 800 kg/cm2. The field and stress were always in the 111 direction. For the highest stresses, the maximum fields were close to the threshold for current oscillations. The distribution functions were obtained from experimental modulation of intervalence-band absorption of infrared radiation. In order to interpret the results, a parametrized distribution function has been assumed. The parameters of the distribution function are then fitted to the experimental modulation. The calculation of absorption was performed numerically, using a four-band k→•p→ model. This model was checked for consistency by comparing with piezoabsorption measurements performed in thermal equilibrium. The average carrier energy calculated from the distribution function shows a fast increase with stress and almost saturates when the strain splitting of the two p32 levels reaches the optical-phonon energy. This saturation is interpreted in terms of the change in scattering probabilities with stress. A model based on the nonparabolicity of the upper p32 level is proposed for the negative differential conductivity in stressed p-type Ge. © 1973 The American Physical Society.
