SIAM Journal on Computing

Bounds on the efficiency of generic cryptographic constructions

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A central focus of modern cryptography is the construction of efficient, high-level cryptographic tools (e.g., encryption schemes) from weaker, low-level cryptographic primitives (e.g., one-way functions). Of interest are both the existence of such constructions and their efficiency. Here, we show essentially tight lower bounds on the best possible efficiency of any black-box construction of some fundamental cryptographic tools from the most basic and widely used cryptographic primitives. Our results hold in an extension of the model introduced by Impagliazzo and Rudich and improve and extend earlier results of Kim, Simon, and Tetali. We focus on constructions of pseudorandom generators, universal one-way hash functions, and digital signatures based on one-way permutations, as well as constructions of public- and private-key encryption schemes based on trapdoor permutations. In each case, we show that any black-box construction beating our efficiency bound would yield the unconditional existence of a one-way function and thus, in particular, prove P ≠ NP. © 2005 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.



SIAM Journal on Computing


