PETS 2024
Conference paper

AUTOLYCUS: Exploiting Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) for Model Extraction Attacks against Interpretable Models


Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) aims to uncover the decision-making processes of AI models. However, the data used for such explanations can pose security and privacy risks. Existing literature identifies attacks on machine learning models, including membership inference, model inversion, and model extraction attacks. These attacks target either the model or the training data, depending on the settings and parties involved. XAI tools can increase the vulnerability of model extraction attacks, which is a concern when model owners prefer black-box access, keeping model parameters and architecture private. To exploit this risk, we propose AUTOLYCUS, a novel retraining (learning) based model extraction attack against interpretable models under black-box settings. As XAI tools, we exploit Local Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanations (LIME) and Shapley values (SHAP) to infer decision boundaries and create surrogate models that replicate the functionality of the target model. LIME and SHAP are mainly chosen for their realistic yet information-rich explanations, coupled with their extensive adoption (most used, cited and active model agnostic explainers), simplicity, and usability. We evaluate AUTOLYCUS on six machine learning datasets, measuring the accuracy and similarity of the surrogate model to the target model. The results show that AUTOLYCUS is highly effective, requiring significantly fewer queries compared to state-of-the-art attacks, while maintaining comparable accuracy and similarity. We validate its performance and transferability on multiple interpretable ML models, including decision trees, logistic regression, naive bayes, and k-nearest neighbor. Additionally, we show the resilience of AUTOLYCUS against proposed countermeasures.



PETS 2024


