Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal

An overview of the Partial Element Equivalent Circuit (PEEC) electromagnetic modeling approach


The solution of mixed or hybrid EM and electrical circuit problems is of importance for electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) as well as for electrical interconnect and package (EIP) problems. The hardware to be modeled is becoming more complex and the frequency ranges of interest are continuously increasing. This makes the electrical analysis of these problems very difficult. This paper gives an outline of the Partial Element Equivalent Circuit (PEEC) technique for the solution of such problems. This method is especially tailored for hybrid electromagnetic and circuit problems so that circuit elements can easily be accommodated. The method is also well suited for model reduction techniques which are usually based on circuit techniques. In this paper we give an outline of the PEEC approach as well as its use in conjuction with model reduction techniques for the solution of large problems. Also, a few model reduction examples are included.



Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal

