- US
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Karen Yorav
I am a research staff member in Cloud Quality group at the IBM Research lab in Haifa. I am a formal verification researcher and have been working on compliance in the past few years.
I received my Ph.D. from the Computer Science Department, Technion, Israel in 2000, under the supervision of Prof. Orna Grumberg. I later worked with Prof. Ed Clarke's group at CMU as a post-doc, and joined IBM in 2003.
Conference Program Committees:
- CAV'18 -30th International Conerence on Computer Aided Verification
- CAV'16 - 28th International Conerence on Computer Aided Verification
- VSTTE'14 -6th Working Conference on Verified Software: Theories, Tools, and Experiments
- NFM'14 - NASA Formal Methods 2014
- CAV'12 - 24th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification
- FMCAD'11 - Formal Methods in Computer Aided Design 2011
- HWVW'10 - 1st Hardware Verification Workshop 2010 (co-chair)
- FMCAD'10 - Formal Methods in Computer Aided Design 2010
- CAV'10 - 22nd International Conference on Computer Aided Verification
- HVC'09 - 5th Haifa Verification Conference 2009
- ICCD'09 - International Conference on Computer Design 2009
- FMCAD'09 - Formal Methods in Computer Aided Design 2009
- FMCAD'08 - Formal Methods in Computer Aided Design 2008
- HVC'08 - Haifa Verification Conference 2008
- BPR'08 - 1st International Workshop on Bit-Precise Reasoning
- CAV'08 - 20th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification, 2008
- HVC'07 - Haifa Verification Conference 2007 (Chair)
- DATE'07 - Design Automation and Test in Europe 2007
- HVC'06 - Haifa Verification Conference 2006 (Hardware Verification track co-chair)
- The British Israeli Workshop on Semantics and its Applications 2005
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