Photoionization cross sections of a two-electron donor center in siliconT.H. NingC.T. Sah1976Physical Review B
Raman scattering study and symmetry aspects of the phase transition in ferroelastic Sb5o7IW. PrettlK.H. Rieder1976Physical Review B
Unusual extramolecular relaxation-polarization shifts of low-lying orbitals in the uv photoemission spectra of adsorbed organic moleculesG.W. RubloffW.D. Grobmanet al.1976Physical Review B
Realistic tight-binding model for chemisorption: H on Si and Ge (111)K.C. Pandey1976Physical Review B
Spatial carrier density modulation effects in metallic conductivityRolf Landauer1976Physical Review B
Rotational pseudospin-phonon interactions at finite frequenciesPeter A. FeddersR.L. Melcher1976Physical Review B
Rotational invariance, finite strain theory, and spin-lattice interactions in paramagnets; Application to the rare-earth vanadatesLynn BonsallR.L. Melcher1976Physical Review B