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1824 results for
Human-Centered AI- Jan-Ming Ho
- De-Ron Liang
- et al.
- 1997
- Journal of Information Science and Engineering
- Tamara Sumner
- Markus Stolze
- 1996
- AI and Society
- Bob G. Witmer
- John H. Bailey
- et al.
- 1996
- Int. J. Hum. Comput. Stud.
- Reza Jalili
- Peter D. Kirchner
- et al.
- 1996
- Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments
- 1995
- Computers and Graphics
- Sherman R. Alpert
- Mark K. Singley
- et al.
- 1995
- Behaviour and Information Technology
- Julien C. Sprott
- Clifford A. Pickover
- 1995
- Computers and Graphics
- 1995
- Computers and Graphics
- Bengt-Olaf Schneider
- Jarek Rossignac
- 1995
- Computers and Graphics
- Peter Gerstl
- Simone Pribbenow
- 1995
- International Journal of Human - Computer Studies