Meeting the digital rights requirements of live broadcast in a peer-to-peer networkWenjie WangHyunseok Changet al.2011ICDCS 2011
Design and analysis of a distributed multi-leg stock trading systemJia ZouGong Suet al.2011ICDCS 2011
Delay-cognizant reliable delivery for publish/subscribe overlay networksShuo GuoKyriakos Karenoset al.2011ICDCS 2011
Guaranteeing high availability goals for virtual machine placementEyal BinOfer Biranet al.2011ICDCS 2011
M-Unit EigenAnt: An Ant Algorithm to Find the M Best SolutionsSameena ShahJayadevaet al.2011AAAI 2011
Transfer Latent Semantic Learning: Microblog Mining with Less SupervisionDan ZhangYan Liuet al.2011AAAI 2011
Item-Level Social Influence Prediction with Probabilistic Hybrid Factor Matrix FactorizationPeng CuiFei Wanget al.2011AAAI 2011
A General Nogood-Learning Framework for Pseudo-Boolean Multi-Valued SATSiddhartha JainAshish Sabharwalet al.2011AAAI 2011