Towards formal basis for security aspects of dynamic web services compositionDong-Hong XuYong Qiet al.2007TENCON 2007
A formal model for dynamic web services composition MAS-based and simple security analysis using Spi calculusDong-Hong XuYong Qiet al.2007NWeSP 2007
A rough wavelet network model with genetic algorithm and its application to aging forecasting of application serverHai-Ning MengYong Qiet al.2007ICMLC 2007
Appliance-based autonomic provisioning framework for virtualized outsourcing data centerXiaoYing WangDongJun Lanet al.2007ICAC 2007
An approach to composing multiple component implementations for satisfying quality requirementsJie YangGang Huanget al.2006QSIC 2006
Location aware messaging - Integrating LBS middleware and converged servicesYing ChenWei Luet al.2005ICEBE 2005
Architecture based deployment of large-scale component based systems: The tool and principlesLing LanGang Huanget al.2005CBSE 2005