Augmenting a retail environment using steerable interactive displaysNoi SukaviriyaMark Podlasecket al.2003CHI EA 2003
Steerable interfaces for pervasive computing spacesGopal PingaliClaudio Pinhanezet al.2003PerCom 2003
Creating touch-screens anywhere with interactive projected displaysClaudio PinhanezRick Kjeldsenet al.2003MM 2003
Less clicking, more watching: An option for entertainment on the web?Claudio PinhanezClare-Marie Karatet al.2001CHI EA 2001
Using a steerable projector and a camera to transform surfaces into interactive displaysClaudio Pinhanez2001CHI EA 2001
Quantifying the Ethical Dilemma of Using Culturally Toxic Training Data in AI Tools for Indigenous LanguagesPedro DominguesClaudio Santos Pinhanezet al.2024LREC-COLING 2024