Service Bundle Recommendation for Person-Centered Care Planning in CitiesSpyros KotoulasElizabeth Dalyet al.2016HEC 2016
A novel method for unsupervised and supervised conversational message thread detectionGiacomo DomeniconiKonstantinos Semertzidiset al.2016DATA 2016
Crowd sourcing, with a few answers: Recommending commuters for traffic updatesElizabeth DalyMichele Berlingerioet al.2015RecSys 2015
Active learning for multi-relational data constructionHiroshi KajinoAkihiro Kishimotoet al.2015WWW 2015
Supporting cities, neighborhoods, and local communities with information and communication technologiesElizabeth DalySheena Ereteet al.2015CSCW 2015
Multi-criteria journey aware housing recommender systemElizabeth M. DalyAdi Boteaet al.2014RecSys 2014
The new blocs on the block: Using community forums to foster new neighbourhoodsElizabeth M. DalyDominik Dahlemet al.2014WebSci 2014
Westland row why so slow? Fusing social media and linked data sources for understanding real-time traffic conditionsElizabeth M. DalyFreddy Lecueet al.2013IUI 2013
Effective event discovery: Using location and social information for scoping event recommendationsElizabeth M. DalyWerner Geyer2011RecSys 2011
Social Lens: Personalization Around User Defined Collections for Filtering Enterprise Message StreamsElizabeth M. DalyMichael Mulleret al.2011ICWSM 2011