ICWS 2004
Conference paper

Using workflows to coordinate web services in pervasive computing environments

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Pervasive Computing Environments augment physical spaces with a large number of devices and services that help users perform different kinds of tasks. Users in these environments interact with one or more web services using various devices to achieve their goals. One of the problems in these environments is discovering and coordinating different web services for achieving the user's goals. Users may not be aware of which services and devices are available in an unfamiliar environment and how to interact with them in order to achieve their goals. In order to simplify a user's interaction with the environment, we present a novel approach of modeling and managing a user's interaction with the environment based on workflows. We have built a prototype, using the popular business workflow language(BPEL) that models various processes in pervasive environments as workflows. We found that this approach improves the usability of these environments. It also increases flexibility in changing the model of interaction without having to touch individual services and applications. This approach is particularly useful in helping visitors in public spaces like malls, museums, supermarkets and hospitals.



ICWS 2004

