Physical Review B

Unoccupied states of Cr on Au(100), Ag(100), and Cu(100)

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Chromium is deposited epitaxially onto Au(100), Ag(100), and Cu(100), and the effect of the substrate lattice constant on the Cr 3d states is determined with inverse photoemission. A 1×1, 1×1, and 3×1 registry is found, respectively. For a monolayer of Cr on Au(100) and Ag(100) we find peaks at 1.8 and 1.6 eV above the Fermi level, respectively, which is assigned to a 5(dxz,yz) state. Together with photoemission results this implies a magnetic splitting of 2.52.6 eV and 2.7 eV, respectively, which is consistent with theoretical predictions of enhanced monolayer magnetism. For a Cr monolayer on Cu(100) we observe a peak at 1.0 eV that lies between the two magnetically split states on Au(100) and Ag(100). This is consistent with a collapse of the magnetic splitting caused by the lateral compression of the Cr film on Cu(100) relative to Ag(100) and Au(100). © 1994 The American Physical Society.



Physical Review B


