Electronic Imaging: Advanced Devices and Systems 1990
Conference paper

Thickness and angular dependency of color change of TN LCDS

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The background color of a TN LCD is one of the important issues of the liquid crystal flat panel display technology, especially as the panel size gets bigger and the displayed information content gets larger. Therefore, in the first part of this paper, we carried out (1) a theoretical calculation of the color coordinates as a function of And for the range of the ind from 0. 1 μm to 2.0 μm, which cover the first, second, and third Gooch and Tarry minima; and (2) theoretical calculations for the color coordinates as a function of viewing angle near the first, second and third Gooch and Tarry minima. Our experimental results corresponding to the above two cases will also be presented for cornparison. Our data shows that our theoretical results agree reasonably well with the experimental ones. In the second part of this paper, we will use the above experimentally verified theoretical method to study and compare the color quality of the single-gap NB mode, the multi-gap NB mode, and the NW mode LCDs. The result will provide important information for LCD design and the selection of a mode of operation.