Israel Journal of Chemistry

Thermal Expansion of Thin Diblock Copolymer Films

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The thermal expansion of thin films of symmetric diblock copolymers of polystyrene (PS) and poly(methyl methácrylate) (PMMA) was investigated by X‐ray reflectivity. The confinement of the copolymer to the substrate, coupled with the multilayering of the copolymer where PS and PMMA layers are oriented parallel to the substrate, gives rise to unusual thermal expansion characteristics. The total thickness of the film increases as 3αL, where αL is the linear thermal expansion coefficient of the copolymer. Unlike homopolymer films, the thermal expansion of an ordered block copolymer film results in an excessive stretching of the copolymer chains at the interface between the PS and PMMA layers. This excess stretching is a result of the confinement of the junction points of the copolymer chains to the interfaces and the suppression of the lateral expansion of the copolymer. When the stretching of the chains becomes too high, relaxation occurs by transporting copolymer chains to the surface. This is evidenced by a reduction in the period of the multilayer. After the copolymer chains have relaxed, the change in the multilayer period with temperature closely follows αL. Copyright © 1995 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim



Israel Journal of Chemistry

