
The reduced multiplication scheme of the Rys quadrature and new recurrence relations for auxiliary function based two-electron integral evaluation


The reduced multiplication scheme of the Rys quadrature is presented. The method is based on new ways in which the Rys quadrature can be developed if it is implemented together with the transfer equation applied to the contracted integrals. In parallel to the new scheme of the Rys quadrature improvements are suggested to the auxiliary function based algorithms. The two new methods have very favorable theoretical floating point operation (FLOP) counts as compared to other methods. It is noted that the only significant difference in performance of the two new methods is due to the vectorizability of the presented algorithms. In order to exhibit this, both methods were implemented in the integral program SEWARD. Timings are presented for comparisons with other implemenations. Finally, it is demonstrated how the transfer equation in connection with the use of spherical harmonic Gaussians offers a very attractive path to compute the two-electron integrals of such basis functions. It is demonstrated both theoretically and with actual performance that the use of spherical harmonic Gaussians offers a clear advantage over the traditional evaluation of the two-electron integrals in the Cartesian Gaussian basis. © 1991 American Institute of Physics.
