Astronomical Journal

The Hi chronicles of LITTLE THINGS BCDs: Evidence for external perturbations in the morphology and kinematics of haro 29 and haro 36

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We analyze high angular and velocity resolution H I line data of two LITTLE THINGS blue compact dwarfs (BCDs): Haro 29 and Haro 36. Both of these BCDs are disturbed morphologically and kinematically. Haro 29's H I data reveal a kinematic major axis that is offset from the optical major axis, and a disturbed outer H I component, indicating that Haro 29 may have had a past interaction. Position-velocity diagrams of Haro 36 indicate that it has two kinematically separate components at its center and a likely tidal tail in front of the galaxy. We find that Haro 36 most likely had an interaction in the past, is currently interacting with an unknown companion, or is a merger remnant. © 2013. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.



Astronomical Journal

