
Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy of electrochemically characterized interfaces; potential dependence of Raman spectra for thiocyanate at silver electrodes


Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectra have been obtained for thiocyanate anions at silver electrodes following an oxidation-reduction cycle (ORC) as a function of electrode potential and electrolyte composition and compared with the extent of thiocyanate adsorption determined under the same conditions from differential capacitance-potential data. A spectrograph equipped with an optical multichannel analyzer (OMA) detector and a scanning spectrometer were used to make the Raman measurements. Spectra were obtained over the frequency range 100-2200 cm-1, where all three normal vibrations, CN stretching (vCN, 2090-2120 cm-1), CS stretching (vCN, 735 cm-1), NCS angle bending (δNCS, 450 cm-1) occur, along with a low frequency vibration attributed to a metal-ligand stretching mode (vml, 200-215 cm-1) arising from a silver-sulfur surface bond. Both vCN and vML decreased in frequency as well as intensity as the potential was made more negative in the region -100 to -700 mV versus Ag/AgCl for bulk thiocyanate concentrations of one millimolar and above, even though the thiocyanate surface concentration remained close to a monolayer throughout. By means of rapid time-resolved spectral measurements following potential steps using the OMA, the decrease of the intensity and frequency of the vCN mode with increasing negative electrode potential was separated into a rapid "reversible" component and a slower "irreversible" decay. The latter component is attributed to the decay of Raman-active sites associated with the dissipation of metastable silver clusters formed during the ORC, that are prevented from rearranging at more positive potentials due to the presence of surrounding anionic adsorbate. © 1983.
