SQL is five decades old and has outlasted many programming and query languages that have come and gone during its lifetime. It was born shortly after the introduction of the relational model, and was designed for querying a flat and typed tabular world. Support for modern, flexible data in the SQL standard and in relational database systems has largely been approached via the addition of new column types (e.g. XML or JSON) together with functions to operate on them. It is time for a cleaner solution that retains the benefits that have allowed SQL to be so successful for so long. We describe SQL++, a SQL extension that relaxes SQL's strictness in terms of both object structure (flat → nested) and schema (mandatory → optional), along with a multi-party effort to agree on a core definition and syntax supportable by multiple vendors. SQL++ sees relational data as a subset of a more flexible object model and it sees collections of document data (e.g., JSON) as a natural and supportable relaxation as opposed to a 'bolt on' addition via a SQL column type. We describe the core features of SQL++ and explain how its definition can accommodate flexible data, while staying true to SQL in situations where the target data is tabular and strongly typed. Index Terms-semistructured data, query, JSON, SQL, NoSQL.