Nature Chemistry

Sequential closed-loop Bayesian optimization as a guide for organic molecular metallophotocatalyst formulation discovery

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Conjugated organic photoredox catalysts (OPCs) can promote a wide range of chemical transformations. It is challenging to predict the catalytic activities of OPCs from first principles, either by expert knowledge or by using a priori calculations, as catalyst activity depends on a complex range of interrelated properties. Organic photocatalysts and other catalyst systems have often been discovered by a mixture of design and trial and error. Here we report a two-step data-driven approach to the targeted synthesis of OPCs and the subsequent reaction optimization for metallophotocatalysis, demonstrated for decarboxylative sp3–sp2 cross-coupling of amino acids with aryl halides. Our approach uses a Bayesian optimization strategy coupled with encoding of key physical properties using molecular descriptors to identify promising OPCs from a virtual library of 560 candidate molecules. This led to OPC formulations that are competitive with iridium catalysts by exploring just 2.4% of the available catalyst formulation space (107 of 4,500 possible reaction conditions). (Figure presented.)