Conference paper

Putting asset data at the heart of organisational decision-making using an Integrated Workplace Management System


With the advent of “Big Data” and the “Internet of Things”, traditional approaches to asset management are being continually challenged and superseded by innovative technology solutions. These enable organisations to improve operational efficiency, strengthen stakeholder relations and reduce costs. Given current economic pressures, the coincidence of technological and economic pressures is driving a step change in how organisations operate. To adopt to the changing technology landscape, organisations need to have a clear strategic approach around how they manage their information. A core component of this can be an Integrated Workplace Management Systems (IWMS), which provides a single technology platform that organisations can firstly use to create accurate records of their reference data (which include buildings, assets, people, and contracts). Secondly, organisations can use the integral process engines within the IWMS to manage business processes (for example contract management, preventative / reactive maintenance tasks, project management, facilities assessments, strategic planning, and environmental reporting). Organisations that have implemented an IWMS have experienced significant operational benefits, through more efficient business processes, better stakeholder relationships, reduced operating costs, improved productivity and clearly demonstrable legal compliance. With a single data repository, transparent reference data, and comprehensive analytics, organisations can embrace a new generation of key performance indicators to command differential advantage in their competitive environments. However, implementing an IWMS requires a strategic approach to implementation, which must align to business process change and strong data governance. It should be noted that whilst this paper has been produced by employees of IBM, who provide IWMS capabilities and associated consulting services, the paper and its associated presentation are not a sales pitch for IBM solutions. There are many technology platforms and capabilities that align to this paper's description of an IWMS and the associated challenges and benefits.
