Technol Econ Smart Grids Sustain En…

Policy Options to Regulate PV in Low Voltage Grids-Australian Case with International Implications

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This article shows a socio-technical evaluation of the Australian case which has international implications for energy policy and regulation. Australia is one of few places globally that have faced domestic PV (photovoltaic system) adoption of above 50% of feeder connections. This leads to grid issues and is an emerging issue globally. Grid issues include over-voltage, thermal overload, frequency instability and voltage instability. This paper offers a policy process to regulate PV. This research extends earlier econometric modelling of Australian PV adoption data and extends it to focus on PV regulation in low voltage grids. This paper explores five policy options to help regulate PV in low voltage grids: the role of distribution businesses, inverter regulation, PV export limits, cost reflective pricing, and storage. Policy complexity comes from the need to incorporate many stakeholder perspectives, and this research contributes to policy clarity by seeking a consensus.



Technol Econ Smart Grids Sustain En…


