
Mutual annihilation of triplet excitons in a nearly one-dimensional system: 1,4-dibromonaphthalene


The analysis of the variation with incident flux of the time dependence of the delayed fluorescence in conjunction with the determination of the absolute ground state-first excited triplet absorption coefficients at room temperature, yields the value of γtot = (5.5 ± 2.0) × 10-12 cm3 s-1, for the total triplet-triplet annihilation rate constant in 1,4-dibromonaphthalene crystals. The one-dimensional mutual annihilation rate constant for the triplet exciton motion restricted to linear chains along the crystal c axis is γ1tot = (1.0 ± 0.4) × 103 cm s-1. The results are discussed in terms of recent theories of mutual annihilation of triplets in one-dimensional systems. © 1974.