Performance Evaluation

Modelling storage organizations: A dynamic approach

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This paper discusses an approach to modelling storage organizations of future computer systems. Our motivation comes from two general uncharted areas of computer performance analysis. The first is that of dynamic or time-dependent effects: certain parameters critically affect the behaviour of the system, and as they vary over time it becomes important to understand the transient behaviour and the stabilities of the system. The second area concerns the interaction between distinct intelligent components of the system, particularly in a stressed environment. Our approach, which is different from the more usual queuing approach, is that of Dynamics Systems Theory. We describe it with a particular, though very simple, example that focuses on the relationship between a CPU and an I/O Processor. By exploring this example, we are able to introduce a number of important concepts, to derive qualitative insights, and to identify barometers of performance and control mechanisms. © 1982.



Performance Evaluation

