ICEBE 2005
Conference paper

Location aware messaging - Integrating LBS middleware and converged services

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With the advent of next generation communication infrastructure where Internet and telecommunication network could work together to provide converged services like (messaging, presence and call control), Location-based Services requires not only flexible and scalable middleware that supports three LBS service models: pull, poll and push, but also advanced converged service platform that supports LBS applications in future communication infrastructure. Motivated by a typical scenario that requires location aware converged services described in the paper, key techniques are identified for building such a system. Based on our ongoing research work on NextGen LBS middleware and Converged Service, we built a location-aware massaging system for coming visitors. By marrying LBS middleware and converged service platform, we experimented LBS running on converged service network, collected requirements of LBS applications to the converged service platform, and explored new features in LBS on the converged service platform. The overall architecture and key components of the LBS middleware and converged services are also presented. © 2005 IEEE.



ICEBE 2005
