S&P 2024
Conference paper

LLMs Cannot Reliably Identify and Reason About Security Vulnerabilities (Yet?): A Comprehensive Evaluation, Framework, and Benchmarks


Large Language Models (LLMs) have been suggested for use in automated vulnerability repair, but benchmarks showing they can consistently identify security-related bugs are lacking. We thus perform the most detailed investigation to date on whether LLMs can reliably identify security-related bugs. We construct a series of 228 code scenarios and analyze eight of the most capable LLMs across eight different investigative dimensions in an automated framework. Our evaluation shows LLMs provide non-deterministic responses, incorrect and unfaithful reasoning, and perform poorly in real-world scenarios outside their knowledge cut-off date. Most importantly, our findings reveal significant non-robustness in even the most advanced models like `PaLM2' and `GPT-4': by merely changing function or variable names, or by the addition of library functions in the source code, these models can yield incorrect answers in 26% and 17% of cases, respectively. These findings demonstrate that further LLM advances are needed before LLMs can be used as general purpose security assistants.


20 May 2024


S&P 2024