
Instability in a system of two interacting liquid films: Formation of liquid bridges between solid surfaces


A theoretical study of systems composed of two solid-supported liquid films that are subject to a mutual attractive interaction reveals the existence of a mechanical instability: for distances closer than a certain threshold value, the system composed by two separate liquid films has no stable equilibrium configurations, and the system collapses to form a single liquid body. The sudden condensation of a connecting liquid bridge when two solid surfaces are brought to close proximity inside an undersaturated medium has been observed experimentally using the surface-force apparatus [see, e.g., Christenson er al., Phys. Rev. B 39, 11750 (1989)]. In this paper, these results are explained as follows: first, liquid films condense on the surfaces; then, if the distance is short enough, the films jump to contact, because of a mechanical instability due to attractive interactions. © 1993 American Institute of Physics.
