Journal of Applied Physics

Hydrodynamic analysis of electron motion in the cathode fall using a Monte Carlo simulation

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The exact mass, momentum, and energy conservation equations for electron transport in a dc glow are derived from the Boltzmann equation. A Monte Carlo particle simulation is used to explicitly calculate the individual terms of the moment equations, and to gain insight into the behavior of the electron distribution function (EDF) moments such as density and average velocity. Pure forward scattering and isotropic scattering are considered as two limiting scattering mechanisms. When forward scattered, the electron fluid shows the maximum change in properties and in transport mechanisms at the field transition point between the cathode fall (CF) and the negative glow. Isotropic scattering, however, results in property changes a short distance inside the sheath. Diffusion of the low-energy, high-density, bulk plasma electrons into the CF causes dilution of the low-density, high-energy beam from the CF before the beam actually arrives at the low-field region. The applicability of commonly used closure relations which yield a fluid description of the system is evaluated. Use of fluid equations to characterize this system with no a priori knowledge of the EDF is limited by kinetic effects, such as heat flow against the temperature gradient, especially in the forward-scattered case where the EDF is very anisotropic. The description of inelastic rates by Arrhenius kinetics is found to be surprisingly accurate with both scattering mechanisms. However, while temperature is an adequate gauge of the characteristic energy under isotropic scattering, the energy of the bulk electron motion must be included under forward scattering. Also, Arrhenius kinetics sometimes produce a spurious double peak in the inelastic rate profile which is not reproduced by the Monte Carlo simulation. The anisotropy of the EDF under the forward-scatter assumption makes it difficult to justify the use of the mobility and heat conduction closure relations. Under isotropic scattering, however, electron inertia is negligible. In that case, under the discharge conditions used here, the drift-diffusion approximation to the flux is good to within a factor of 2. Classical heat conduction theory overestimates the heat flux by a factor of 4 at the sheath edge.



Journal of Applied Physics

