ICCAD 2005
Conference paper

Gate sizing using incremental parameterized statistical timing analysis

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As technology scales Into the sub-90nm domain, manufacturing variations become an increasingly significant portion of circuit delay. As a result, delays must be modeled as statistical distributions during both analysis and optimization. This paper uses incremental, parametric statistical static timing analysis (SSTA) to perform gate sizing with a required yield target. Both correlated and uncorrelated process parameters are considered by using a first-order linear delay model with fitted process sensitivities. The fitted sensitivities are verified to be accurate with circuit simulations. Statistical information In the form of criticallty probabilities are used to actively guide the optimization process which reduces run-time and improves area and performance. The gate sizing results show a significant improvement In worst slack at 99.86% yield over deterministic optimization. © 2005 IEEE.



ICCAD 2005
