
Filters: QoS support mechanisms for multipeer communications


The nature of distributed multimedia applications is such that they require multipeer communication support mechanisms. The multimedia traffic needs to be delivered to end-systems, networks, and end-users in a form that they can handle while satisfying the constraints imposed by the multimedia application. Quality-of-service (QoS) mechanisms that can ensure full quality media playout at high-performance workstations, while at the same time providing appropriately filtered lower quality media for playout at other end-systems, are required. Existing multicast support mechanisms are deficient for this purpose, in a heterogeneous environment, because they work on a common denominator premise where the quality delivered depends on the least capable link or node involved in the multicast session. This paper proposes and analyzes the use of filtering mechanisms as a means of supporting disparate receiver capabilities and QoS requirements. The paper describes the implementation of a number of filtering mechanisms and highlights the communications architecture within which these mechanisms are built. This architecture constitutes a specific network topology and a new protocol family developed within a UNIX-like operating system.