Physical Review A - AMO

Entanglement of assistance and multipartite state distillation

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We find that the asymptotic entanglement of assistance of a general bipartite mixed state is equal to the smaller of its two local entropies. Our protocol gives rise to the asymptotically optimal Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) pair distillation procedure for a given tripartite pure state, and we show that it actually yields EPR and Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) states; in fact, under a restricted class of protocols, which we call "one-way broadcasting" the GHZ rate is shown to be optimal. This result implies a capacity theorem for quantum channels where the environment helps transmission by broadcasting the outcome of an optimally chosen measurement. We discuss generalizations to m parties and show (for m=4) that the maximal amount of entanglement that can be localized between two parties is given by the smallest entropy of a group of parties of which the one party is a member, but not the other. This gives an explicit expression for the asymptotic localizable entanglement and shows that any nontrivial ground state of a spin system can be used as a perfect quantum repeater if many copies are available in parallel. Finally, we provide evidence that any unital channel is asymptotically equivalent to a mixture of unitaries and any general channel to a mixture of partial isometries. © 2005 The American Physical Society.



Physical Review A - AMO

