ISM 2015
Conference paper

Efficient Multi-training Framework of Image Deep Learning on GPU Cluster

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In this paper, we develop a pipelining schema for image deep learning on GPU cluster to leverage heavy workload of training procedure. In addition, it is usually necessary to train multiple models to obtain a good deep learning model due to the limited a priori knowledge on deep neural network structure. Therefore, adopting parallel and distributed computing appears is an obvious path forward, but the mileage varies depending on how amenable a deep network can be parallelized and the availability of rapid prototyping capabilities with low cost of entry. In this work, we propose a framework to organize the training procedures of multiple deep learning models into a pipeline on a GPU cluster, where each stage is handled by a particular GPU with a partition of the training dataset. Instead of frequently migrating data among the disks, CPUs, and GPUs, our framework only moves partially trained models to reduce bandwidth consumption and to leverage the full computation capability of the cluster. In this paper, we deploy the proposed framework on popular image recognition tasks using deep learning, and the experiments show that the proposed method reduces overall training time up to dozens of hours compared to the baseline method.



ISM 2015