Wireless Networks

Design and control of micro-cellular networks with QOS provisioning for data traffic

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The major focus of this paper is the design and control of micro/picocellular wireless access systems supporting non-real-time (or data) traffic subject to a guaranteed quality-of-service as defined by four metrics: call blocking probability, cell overload probability, average wireless bandwidth available to a mobile terminal, and probability that the available wireless bandwidth per mobile is less than some specified threshold. We utilize a cell-cluster based call admission control concept and provide a model as well as an analytical methodology which can be used to design wireless micro-cellular networks (as specified by the number of base stations required to serve the traffic generated within a given geographical area), and to control new call admission such that once a call is admitted to the system, it will enjoy a predefined quality-of-service without requiring intervention of the network call processor independent of how large the Erlang load offered to the network may become. This is an important property for wireless access networks: although the network may be traffic engineered to provide an acceptable call blocking probability under anticipated Erlang load, user mobility may occasionally cause that load to exceed design thresholds, and yet the QOS offered to already admitted calls must be maintained. © J.C. Baltzer AG, Science Publishers.



Wireless Networks

