Conference paper

Cross-platform, secure message delivery for mobile devices


With the rise of mobile technology, modern organizations are encountering rapidly evolving demands to their communications and data infrastructure. The 'Bring Your Own Device' (BYOD) approach places significant new demands on how enterprises approach security, device management, cross-platform support and data distribution. Mobile devices are powerful, lightweight and rapidly supplanting classical computing systems like desktop and notebook computers. Here we discuss a framework which unifies numerous heterogenous devices and their software ecosystems into a single flexible platform for enterprise device management and message dissemination. This framework provides a foundation that considers the myriad security, connectivity and energy implications that are far different from 'classical' enterprise syst em. We discuss the experiences and considerations used in the design of this framework, and why such a unified, flexible approach is necessary for the present and approaching demands of enterprise security, timeliness and accessibility. © 2013 IEEE.
