SDM 2013
Conference paper

Community detection with prior knowledge

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The problem of community detection is a challenging one because of the presence of hubs and noisy links, which tend to create highly imbalanced graph clusters. Often, these resulting clusters are not very intuitive and difficult to interpret. With the growing availability of network information, there is a significant amount of prior knowledge available about the communities in social, communication and several other networks. These community labels may be noisy and very limited, though they do help in community detection. In this paper, we explore the use of such noisy labeled information for finding high quality communities. We will present an adaptive density-based clustering which allows flexible incorporation of prior knowledge in to the community detection process. We use a random walk framework to compute the node densities and the level of supervision regulates the node densities and the quality of resulting density based clusters. Our framework is general enough to produce both overlapping and non-overlapping clusters. We empirically show that even with a tiny amount of supervision, our approach can produce superior communities compared to popular baselines.



SDM 2013
