
Calculations of oscillator strengths and excitation energies for valence-shell states of Mg and Ca


Oscillator strengths and excitation energies are computed for electric dipole transitions connecting valence-shell states of Mgi and of Cai. The method used is the variational solution of two-particle Bethe-Goldstone equations for both initial and final states of each transition, with a common frozen core determined by a matrix Hartree-Fock calculation. Results are compared with available theoretical and experimental data, and are found to be in excellent agreement with previous results for the two resonance transitions. For Mg, the computed length and velocity oscillator strengths are closer together for most transitions considered than are previous theoretical values, and fall within their range. For Ca, the computed results confirm conclusions about valence-shell even-parity states inferred from analysis of recently observed two-photon ionization spectra. © 1977 The American Physical Society.
