ASE 2008
Conference paper

ARAMIS 2008 - The first int. workshop on automated engineeRing of autonomic and run-tiMe evolvIng systems

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An increasingly important requirement for modern software-intensive systems is the ability of evolving at run-time, to address the need to dynamically add/remove features, as well as to protect the system from incoming attacks or failures. Due to the new requirement of dynamicity, portions of the system can be added and removed at run-time so giving rise to dynamic, evolving, and unpredictable configurations, implemented via middleware-based technologies, plugin-based infrastructures, or service oriented paradigms. The ARAMIS workshop wants to provide a forum for analyzing the new challenges and issues related to evolving at run-time systems. In particular, the main objective is to analyze such topics from three different, but correlated, perspectives: verification and validation of evolving at run-time systems, automatic context management, and self-healing solutions for engineering such systems. © 2008 IEEE.



ASE 2008