FOCS 2006
Conference paper

Algorithms on negatively curved spaces

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We initiate the study of approximate algorithms on negatively curved spaces. These spaces have recently become of interest in various domains of computer science including networking and vision. The classical example of such a space is the real-hyperbolic space ℍ1 for d >2, but our approach applies to a more general family of spaces characterized by Gromov's (combinatorial) hyperbolic condition. We give efficient algorithms and data structures for problems like approximate nearest-neighbor search and compact, low-stretch routing on subsets of negatively curved spaces of fixed dimension (including ℍd as a special case). In a different direction, we show that there is a PTAS for the Traveling Salesman Problem when the set of cities lie, for example, in ℍd. This generalizes Arora's results for ℝd. Most of our algorithms use the intrinsic distance geometry of the data set, and only need the existence of an embedding into some negatively curved space in order to function properly. In other words, our algorithms regard the interpoint distance function as a black box, and are independent of the representation of the input points. © 2006 IEEE.



FOCS 2006

