
Adaptive Heterogeneous Client Sampling for Federated Learning Over Wireless Networks

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Federated learning (FL) algorithms usually sample a fraction of clients in each round (partial participation) when the number of participants is large and the server's communication bandwidth is limited. Recent works on the convergence analysis of FL have focused on unbiased client sampling, e.g., sampling uniformly at random, which suffers from slow wall-clock time for convergence due to high degrees of system heterogeneity (e.g., diverse computation and communication capacities) and statistical heterogeneity (e.g., unbalanced and non-i.i.d. data). This article aims to design an adaptive client sampling algorithm for FL over wireless networks that tackles both system and statistical heterogeneity to minimize the wall-clock convergence time. We obtain a new tractable convergence bound for FL algorithms with arbitrary client sampling probability. Based on the bound, we analytically establish the relationship between the total learning time and sampling probability with an adaptive bandwidth allocation scheme, which results in a non-convex optimization problem. We design an efficient algorithm for learning the unknown parameters in the convergence bound and develop a low-complexity algorithm to approximately solve the non-convex problem. Our solution reveals the impact of system and statistical heterogeneity parameters on the optimal client sampling design. Moreover, our solution shows that as the number of sampled clients increases, the total convergence time first decreases and then increases because a larger sampling number reduces the number of rounds for convergence but results in a longer expected time per-round due to limited wireless bandwidth. Experimental results from both hardware prototype and simulation demonstrate that our proposed sampling scheme significantly reduces the convergence time compared to several baseline sampling schemes. Notably, for EMNIST dataset, our scheme in hardware prototype spends 71% less time than the baseline uniform sampling for reaching the same target loss.




