FOCS 2005
Conference paper

A tale of two dimensional bin packing

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The 2-dimensional Bin Packing problem (2BP) is a generalization of the classical Bin Packing problem and is defined as follows: Given a collection of rectangles specifie d by their width and height, pack these into the minimum number of square bins of unit size. We study the case of 'orthogonal packing without rotations', where rectangles cannot be rotate d and must k packed parallel to the edges of a bin. Often in practical cases of 2BP problems there are additional constraints on how complicated the packing patterns in a bin can be. A well-studied and frequently used constraint is that every rectangle in the packing must be obtainable by recursively applying a sequence of edge-to-edge cuts parallel to the edges of the bin. Such cuts are known as guillotine cuts. Our main result is that the guillotine 2BP problem admits an asymptotic polynomial time approximation scheme. This is in sharp contrast with the fact that the general 2BP problem is APX-Hard. En route to our main result, we show a structur altheorem about approximating general guillotine packings by simpler packings, which could be of independent interest. © 2005 IEEE.



FOCS 2005

