RULE 2004
Conference paper

A compiler for mapping a rule-based event-triggered program to a hardware engine

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In this paper we describe the RERAL compiler. RERAL is a Rule-based Event-driven Routing Algorithm Language. It is intended for the configuration of a router for regular networks, as found in parallel computers or computer clusters. The language combines predicate-logic-derived functional expressions with Petri-net-based asynchronity. The high performance requirements (a routing decision should take no more than few nanoseconds) imply sophisticated optimization methods in the compiler, in particular, flattening the program hierarchy, unrolling loops and mapping high-level program fragments to available application-specific hardware units. We also point out a new application area of the concept, namely the management of a memory interface in a system-on-chip for increased bandwidth utilization. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



RULE 2004


