Dallas Lea

Dallas Lea


My specialties are designing electrical test structures, defining their tests, and analyzing their test data to help guide a variety of IBM Research's logic and memory development programs.  Since joining the Albany team in 2016, I've contributed those talents to advancing FinFETs, EUV (Extreme Ultraviolet)-patterned interconnects, Phase Change Memory, Magnetic Random Access Memory, and most recently, Nanosheet FETs.

Nearly 20 years with IBM Microelectronics in East Fishkill, NY preceded my move to Albany.  Those years gave me a strong foundation in design and characterization of a broad range of circuit types (DRAM, SRAM, logic, analog, non-volatile memory) within CMOS development programs.

I have B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Virginia, where my research focused on fabricating and characterizing low temperature superconductor (niobium) tunnel junctions for millimeter wave radio astronomy.  Although the application was different, I like to brag that those devices are a close relation to the Josephson junctions IBM is using to make great progress in quantum computing!
