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15 results for
David Sayre- Ralph Feder
- Veronica Banton
- et al.
- 1985
- Science
- Ralph Feder
- Jonathan L. Costa
- et al.
- 1981
- Science
- 1989
- Proceedings of SPIE 1989
- Mario G. Baldini
- B.K. Kim
- et al.
- 1989
- Proceedings of SPIE 1989
- D. Sayre
- R.P. Haelbich
- et al.
- 1989
- Proceedings of SPIE 1989
- Ralph Feder
- David Sayre
- et al.
- 2008
- Journal of Applied Physics
- H. Rarback
- C. Buckley
- et al.
- 1990
- Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology
- Janos Kirz
- Harald Ade
- et al.
- 1990
- Physica Scripta